Colorado Springs Design Studio  |  [email protected]  |  719-301-5669‬



Let's team up

If there’s something we can work on together, do not hesitant to reach out. Shoot me an email, text, call, or simply fill out the contact form here and I’ll get back to you right away. And in the meantime, check out some frequently asked questions below.

Contact Form

    Frequently Asked Questions

    What is your creative process like?

    Before pencil ever hits paper, we’ll spend a decent amount of effort researching to make sure we step off in the right direction. From there, I’ll dive into the creativity with A LOT of sketching and development. I polish the best ideas into a comprehensive proposal which we review together. We pick the best solution, revise it to perfection, and package it up into a file kit that will keep you looking fresh for a long time.  

    How many logo concepts do you propose?

    Three. And, that’s really the perfect Goldilocks number. Any less, and we haven’t explored enough. Any more, and we’ll have a real tough time identifying the right solution among too many options to choose from.

    How many revisions can I request?

    I don’t limit us to a specific number of revisions. As long as the changes requested are reasonable, we’ll work until we have a solution. A typical project has 0-3 rounds of revisions. A request for an additional concept is not considered a revision.  

    What types of files will I receive?

    Your file kit will include all industry standard files: vector (.svg), transparent (.png), and original editing files. Each logo variation will be in black, white, and color as applicable. And, rest assured! I’m not trying to keep anything from you. If you find later on that you need additional file types, just holler and I’ll send them over.

    What is a realistic timeline for a logo project?

    About one month start to finish. I know — that might like a long time, especially when the resulting logo ends up being simple. But it’s true, we’ll dig deep during the creative process and collaborate quite a bit back-and-forth. Larger branding projects with follow-on work may take longer. If you need your project rushed, we might be able accommodate.

    How much does it cost to hire you?

    It depends how deep we want to go. Expect a standard logo project to start at $1500 with additional tiers available for branding & collateral materials. For ongoing and open-ended work, we’ll likely partner together at an hourly rate. Good design is for everyone — if your budget is tighter, we might be able to tailor a project to fit what you can afford.

    How do you handle payments?

    Most projects start with a deposit, and the remaining balance is paid upon completion. I send invoices payable online by credit card or ACH transaction. We could also use a payment app like VenmoCash App, or Zelle.

    Do you do all the work?

    You bet! Like the ‘Trevor Kinkade Design’ name suggests, I’m Trevor, and I’m the one doing the designing around here. When you work with me, you can be certain, all work comes from me, and all work is original.

    Who owns the copyright?

    During the project, I maintain ownership of all copyright material. Upon completion of the project, ownership of the copyright is transferred to you (without any strings attached — really). You are welcome to register your copyright with the U.S. Copyright Office, but this is an extra formality — copyright protection is automatic as long as your work is original and fixed in a tangible medium.

    What if I don’t like any of the logo concepts proposed?

    I’m confident we’ll find the right solution for you, but in the unique case we don’t, we could 1) produce additional concepts at an additional cost, or 2) end the project early, and I’ll refund you the money for the work we budgeted, but haven’t yet completed.

    Do you have experience designing logos for my particular industry?

    The chances are, yes! And, I’d be happy to provide a couple specific examples. It’s true, design strategy varies from industry to industry. While the core fundamentals of logo design stay the same, our approach will differ depending on who you are and what you do.

    What other services do you provide?

    While logo & brand design is my core offering, I’m also a strong web & print designer. If we’re a fit, we could partner on a variety of services to include WordPress & e-commerce, business cards, product design, labels, stickers, flyers, posters, banners, brochures, menus, apparel… basically anything that needs a creative touch. 

    What do you need from me?

    Time for a chat! Reach out to me at [email protected], and when we really get into the thick of it, here are some questions I might ask: What is your goal? What do you want to be known for? Who is your target audience? How would you like your brand to be perceived? Who are your friends & competitors? What symbols might represent you? How might you use your logo? What makes you passionate?